It can be tedious to put toddlers to sleep, especially at night. These hyperactive humans love to be the center of attention. They love comfort and will not sleep if the condition is not right.
Parenting toddlers is not a walk in the park. Toddlers are known for their boundless energy and reluctance to settle down, especially when bedtime draws close. However, establishing effective night time routines can make all the difference in helping toddlers sleep peacefully.
In this article, we'll show you how to make toddlers sleep using five tried-and-tested night time routines. You need rest as much as they do and you can only get one when they go to sleep.
Read on to discover these proven night time routines that can help your toddlers sleep.
What Category of Kids Are Considered Toddlers?
Before we delve into the night time routines that will help your toddler sleep, it is important we are clear on who a toddler is.
Centre for Disease Control (CDC) considers kids between the ages of 1-3 years of age as toddlers. Healthychildren affirms this, so we can safely say that toddlers are kids between the ages of 1-3 years.
What Is a Night Time Routine?
Night-time routines are repetitive sets of activities that are carried out before bed every night. These activities help prepare your child for sleep. It gets them to relax and wind down. When you develop a predictable routine, you’ll give your toddler a sense of security and the ability to sleep without aid.
A night time routine is a way to show care to your toddler. A night time routine is carefully developed.
What Are the Benefits of a Night Time Routine?
Following a night time routine has significant benefits. Once you’ve figured out how to make your toddlers sleep following night time routines, you’ll notice an all-round improvement in them,
Here are some benefits of night time routines;
1. Sleeping Earlier
Kids who follow bedtime routines are more likely to go to sleep earlier. Sleeping earlier is healthy for kids because it helps them refresh better. You’re more likely going to have healthy toddlers if you succeed in getting them to sleep. A good night time routine makes this happen.
2. Less Time to Fall Asleep
If you develop and follow a good night time routine, you will have toddlers who take less time to fall asleep. This means that you have developed an enabling environment for a better and more comfortable sleep time. This article will show you those night time routines that work.
3. Longer Sleep
A longer sleep translates to quality sleep for your toddler. If you are able to get them to sleep earlier and faster, you’ll succeed in getting them to sleep longer. Toddlers who sleep longer are less likely to wake up multiple times at night. You know what this means for you right? More peaceful sleep for you at night.
4. Improved Self-Care
As you consistently follow through with your night time routine, you will have toddlers with improved self-care. Night-time routines teach your child self-care and lay the ground for working memory, attention, and other cognitive skills
5. Better Parent-Child Bonding
Good night time routines foster parent-child bonding. They help improve mood, reduce stress levels, and foster better behavior. A toddler who sleeps help is happier than one who doesn’t.
These benefits to sleep quality do not go off easily. They are still seen years later in children who followed bedtime routines when they were younger. Ultimately, these benefits translate to better readiness for school. They also contribute in no small measure to better academic performance and social skills.
On the other hand, toddlers who don’t follow a bedtime routine are more likely to have sleep problems and be overweight when they’re older.
Setting a night time routine right from the beginning with your toddler makes it easier to keep up healthy habits as your child grows.
What Are the Night Time Routines that Can Help Toddlers Sleep?
Now that we have looked at the benefits of good night time routines, let’s look at the routines that make for better, healthier, and more quality sleep.
Toddlers are usually lively except when they’re sick. These little ones will most likely nap during the day and stay excited at night. There are night time routines that can help your toddlers sleep peacefully.
If you want to know how to make your toddlers sleep, pay attention to these night time routines
1. Choose a Consistent Bedtime
You have to select a time to work with, that’s the first tuning you should do. Typically, it is better to have a sleep time between 7 pm-8 pm. Consistency is the cornerstone of a successful bedtime routine for toddlers.
Parents who establish a consistent schedule are able to regulate their child's internal body clock and signal that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. You should Start by setting a specific bedtime that allows for an adequate amount of sleep based on your toddler's age and individual needs.
Once you've set the bedtime, stick to it as closely as possible every night, including weekends. A consistent bedtime routine typically begins with calming activities that help toddlers transition from playtime to sleep time.
This includes activities such as reading a bedtime story, singing a lullaby, or engaging in gentle play. The key is to choose activities that are soothing and predictable, signaling to your toddler that it's time to relax and prepare for sleep.
As you establish your bedtime routine, involve your toddler in the process by allowing them to choose their pajamas, select a bedtime story, or pick out a stuffed animal to cuddle with. Give them a sense of control and ownership over their bedtime routine. This makes them feel more confident and relaxed about the transition to sleep.
You have to be consistent with this activity to make it work. Ensure to follow the same sequence of activities each night This helps reinforce the routine. With time, your toddler will come to anticipate and embrace the bedtime routine. At this point, you will have succeeded in making bedtime a smoother and more enjoyable experience for everyone.
2. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment
The sleep environment plays a crucial role in helping toddlers drift off to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night. You should create a peaceful and comfortable sleep environment. This can significantly impact your toddler's ability to settle down and relax at bedtime.
Here are some things you should do;
- Start by ensuring that the bedroom is conducive to sleep in. You can do this by minimizing noise, dimming the lights, and maintaining a comfortable temperature.
- Invest in blackout curtains or blinds to block out excess light. You should mostly do this if your toddler is sensitive to light or has trouble falling asleep in bright conditions.
- Use white noise machines or fans to create a soothing background noise. This will mask any disruptive sounds from outside the room. You want to create a quiet and serene environment that promotes relaxation and encourages your toddler to unwind.
- Pay attention to the temperature of the room. Aim for a comfortable and consistent temperature that isn't too hot or too cold.
Dress your toddler in breathable, comfortable pajamas. Provide lightweight blankets or sleep sacks to keep them cozy.
- Ensure that the sleep environment is safe and free from any hazards or distractions that could disrupt your toddler's sleep.
- Include soft, soothing colors and textures that can help create a calming atmosphere. Providing objects such as stuffed animals or blankets can provide a sense of security and comfort for your toddler.
3. Limit Screen Time Before Bed
The blue light emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions affects sleep. These activities can suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. When these hormones are suppressed, it becomes harder for toddlers to fall asleep and stay asleep.
If you want to promote a better sleep routine for your toddler, establish a screen-free period at least an hour before bedtime. Limit your own screen time before bed. Your toddler regularly observes you and will most likely do what you do.
4. Make Your Toddler Feel Relaxed
Teach your toddler some relaxation exercises. This helps them deal with any anxiety or restlessness they may experience at bedtime. You can introduce deep breathing exercises. When you do this, you bond better with your toddler and get them relaxed.
You can make it fun by pretending to smell a flower and blow out a candle. You can teach your toddler how to create guided images. This involves using their imagination to create calming mental images.
You can do this by asking your toddler to close their eyes and picture a peaceful scene. Guide them through the scene, describing the sights, sounds, and feelings they might experience. Doing this makes them feel relaxed.
Another effective exercise that helps your toddler relax is gently subbing their muscles and joints. Start with the muscles in their toes and work your way up to their head. Have a conversation as you do so. ask them how they feel with each rub.
These exercises not only promote relaxation and calmness but also empower toddlers to take an active role in their own sleep health and well-being. You are creating a level of independence by engaging them in these exercises. Soon, they’ll be able to sleep peacefully without your help.
5. Bring Comfort to the Bedside
Bedtime can sometimes trigger feelings of separation. This will usually stir anxiety or fear in toddlers making it difficult for them to settle down and fall asleep. Bringing comfort and reassurance to the bedside will make your toddler feel safe and secure.
To help your toddler sleep, include these comforting bedside activities in your night time routine;
- Cuddle your toddler:
Give your toddler plenty of cuddles, hugs, and kisses before tucking them into bed. This is reassuring, it establishes your love and care for them.
- Read a favourite bedtime story:
Bedtime stories work wonders. Read your toddler’s favourite bedtime story to them and watch them drift to a peaceful sleep. If you don’t know their favourite story, try different stories until you get the one they easily react to.
- SIng lullabies:
Whether or not you have a beautiful voice, sing lullabies to your toddler. Do this gently, do not be loud. It will help them sleep better.
- Use soothing words:
Comfort your toddler with soothing words and gestures. Let them know that you're there for them and that they are safe and loved. Offer a brief cuddle or a comforting touch before encouraging them to settle back to sleep on their own.
Strike a balance between offering comfort and encouraging independence in your toddler's sleep habits. If you can get them to sleep on their own, you will have less work to do. Encourage your toddler to practice relaxation techniques or engage in calming activities on their own when they wake up during the night. This gradually builds their confidence and independence in their sleep habits over time.
When you help your toddler feel secure and confident in their sleep environment, you promote better sleep quality and overall well-being.
Learning how to make toddlers sleep while applying the night time routines explained in this article can be an exciting journey. Toddlers will adapt to night time routines as they grow. In early childhood, many toddlers are gripped by the fear of separation. This is a good time to introduce a stuffed animal or comfort blanket for extra reassurance when you leave the room.
Toddlers will also try to assert their newly found independence by acting out or resisting bedtime. You can handle these stalling tactics by letting them make some of their own decisions. Allow them to choose what pajamas to wear or which book to read. When it’s time for lights-out, calmly and firmly bid them goodnight, and leave the room.
Keep in mind that every child is unique, and what works for one toddler may not work for another. Be patient and flexible as you experiment with different bedtime routines. With time, you will learn how to make your toddlers sleep and what night time routine works best.
- Perfecting your child’s sleep
- Mindell, J. A., Leichman, E. S., Lee, C., Williamson, A. A., & Walters, R. M. (2017). Implementation of a nightly bedtime routine: How quickly do things improve?. Infant behavior & development, 49, 220–227.
- Hale, L., Berger, L. M., LeBourgeois, M. K., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2011). A longitudinal study of preschoolers’ language-based bedtime routines, sleep duration, and well-being. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 25(3), 423–433.
- Kitsaras, G., Goodwin, M., Allan, J., Kelly, M. P., & Pretty, I. A. (2018). Bedtime routines child wellbeing & development. BMC public health, 18(1), 386.
- How sleep works